The NJOA is the voice of outdoor-minded individuals and conservationists in the State of New Jersey. We have favorably influenced many state policies and state regulations, and have become a major voice to conservation matters in Trenton’s political discourse. Through the volunteer efforts of our NJOA members, we have accomplished much on behalf of New Jersey conservationists. Now, we are working on a diverse and expansive conservation agenda in Trenton and throughout New Jersey.
Join us in this important fight.

Pressing Issues Today

Ongoing Updates to Our Position on Wind

202x Offshore Windmill Updates There are known problems with the windmills causing radar interference. These...

Offshore Windmill Projects-What Are The Risks?

To combat climate change by moving our country away from dependence on fossil fuels, major...

Let’s Put Up Windmills and See What Happens Next!

Let’s Put the Windmills Up and See What Happens Next! An Asbury Park Press article...

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

IT AIN’T OVER TILL ITS OVER! In the last two years, NJOA along with other...


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NJOA-EP Environmental Projects

The NJOA-EP division is dedicated to improving environmental health on land and water. Learn more about NJOA-EP’s activities, initiatives, and impacts.

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