NJOA Environmental Projects, a 501 C (3) charity, dedicated to improving the quality of New Jersey’s natural environment through habitat restoration projects, and providing educational, programs that highlight the many “links of dependence” within our ecosystems.
Our Initiatives
Habitat Restoration
A habitat restoration project in conjunction with the Landis Sewage Authority, National Wild Turkey Federation, New Jersey Chapter, New Jersey Audubon and the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife to restore quail habitat in Cumberland County in the hope that some day wild quail will be reintroduced into the area.
Advocacy & Accessibility
We provide funding for the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Becoming an Outdoor Woman program.
This past year we partnered with the Gloucester County Chapter of the State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and John and Cheryl DiGregorio, owners of Game Creek Hunting Farms in Woodstown, to sponsor a Women’s Pheasant hunt to introduce women who have never participated to the sport of pheasant hunting to a new activity.
We are proud to say that we have just become the sponsor of a new Division of Fish and Wildlife program, Women Afield, headed by our Hooked-on Fishing Coordinator, Liz Jackson. The program is designed to introduce minority women to hunting, fishing and trapping opportunities available in New Jersey.
Reef Conservation & Restoration
We also work closely with New Jersey Reef Rescue to establish new recreational reefs and expand the existing reefs that our recreational fishermen use in the Atlantic Ocean.
Currently we receive funding from both individual and corporate sponsors and we are always looking to add new sponsors to our list. Since we are a 501 C (3) charity, registered with the State of New Jersey, any donations are fully tax deductible.
Donations should be sent by check. Pleasae make check out to “NJOA Environmental Projects” and mail to:
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects
P.O. Box 115
Belmar, NJ 07719
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