Our Officers: Larry Herrighty
About Larry
Larry is a lifelong resident of New Jersey. He grew up in Union County and moved to Hunterdon County 38 years ago with his wife Debbie. Larry is a graduate of Cook College, Rutgers University where he obtained a Bachelors of Science degree in Wildlife Management. He subsequently was employed by the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife starting his career as an upland game biologist, later as the Chief of Wildlife Management, Assistant Director of Operations and finally as the Division Director. After 38 years with the Division, Larry retired in 2019 and spends his leisure time hunting and fishing.
Larry’s extensive background in NJ wildlife management is an asset to NJOA. Much of Larry’s time at the Division of Fish and Wildlife was working with the Fish and Game Council to amend regulations via the Game Code, working with the Council to develop he Comprehensive Black Bear Management Plan and hunting season framework. This included working with the State attorneys involved in the various lawsuits associated with bear management. Other activities involved reviewing proposed legislation, testifying before legislative committees and local government bodies regarding deer hunting and township closures and working closely with the NJ State Federation of Sportsmen’s clubs.
Larry’s Roles With NJOA | Secretary
As Secretary, Larry holds the corporate documents and records the Annual and other Business meetings for the NJOA. He also handles any official Organizational communications.
Community Involvement
- Past chairman, the Atlantic Flyway Council Board member, NJ
- Hunters Helping the Hungry Member
- The Wildlife Society Member
- NJ Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs Member
- United Bow Hunters of NJ Member
- Traditional Archers of NJ

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