2023 was a difficult year or Sportspeople in New Jersey. With an anti -gun, anti-hunting Governor leading the way and an Assembly and Senate populated by legislators with the same mind set, it was a year to duck and cover. We have one more year to survive Murphy recognizing that inevitably change is coming. The NJOA continues to support ecologically responsible pro hunting, trapping, and fishing bills with 2024’s concentration on freshwater fishing. We have started a lake access bill to increase boater access on State owned lakes and a second to increase funding for the successful Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs program from $200,000 to $450,000 to expand the program. Once we have bill numbers, I will publish them on our web site and ask you for your support by contacting your legislator. We are also starting a membership drive to increase our membership so that we can better serve our sportspeople. It is a very simple drive that we have named “Just One”. We will be asking our current membership to sign up “just one” new member. If you are able, feel free to sign up more than one. Please follow us on Face Book and Instagram and pass our message on to as many sportspeople as possible. Growth is a key message for 2024.
Ed Markowski -President NJOA
Membership Link
Please support our sponsors. https://www.njoutdooralliance.org/njoa-sponsors/